Slayer Knight Playground is intended to be a testing platform for the actual game Slayer Knight, and a way where testers can very easily access the game and provide feedback to me as I develop. Overtime, Slayer Knight Playground will evolve to a demo version of the game, completely accessible over browser. The full game is going to be available for download on either Steam or 

Instructions thus far:

Currently, the arrow keys will make the Knight run. Space will make the Knight jump. W will make the Knight dash. And  will make the Knight attack. A wall-jump separate from the regular jump can be performed if the Knight is mid-air and is close enough to a wall. The Knight will not be able to wall-jump or normal-jump again until they've touched the ground. The Knight will not be able to dash again until they have either touched the ground and waited until a hidden cooldown has completed OR they've performed a wall-jump--the dash reset off a wall-jump is instant so no cooldown wait. Attacks can be done at anytime.

The true game can be found here--a lot of it is going to change later, though:

6/16/2024: Implemented the parallax system, collectible system--just the coin so far--and added a few textures to verify how everything would look. There were also a bunch of bug fixes and GC-related optimizations done in the background. The desktop version of the game has gamepad support, but unfortunately the browser version of the game won't have such support. 

I'm trying to push myself to have at least a proper demo that demonstrates all movement, including movement enhanced by collectibles, and also includes sign system to explain the game's mechanics in game. Will create a downloadable executable too.

6/9/2024: Added a bunch of visual feedback effects. This includes kickback dust when dashing and jumping, and glow effects to indicate dash is charged and wall-jump is available. Implemented buffered inputs on jump and dash.

5/28/2024:  Made a small update where the game preloads all the assets at the beginning, eliminating the stuttering when the player starts to control the Knight.

5/27/2024: Implemented the hit-resolution system, as well as the beginnings of the enemy behavior system and the special effect system. The game now also resizes itself according to the dimensions of the browser window. Noticed some degree of lag because of the resizing.  This may have to get looked again later. Still need to fix the on-the-fly fetching of assets that causes the stuttering at the beginning. 

5/22/2024: Added a bunch of work on the game's attack system. The Knight currently leverages the system. Plan to work on hit resolution and moving platforms next.

5/20/2024: Reimplemented physics and core sounds and animations. The actions available include running around, dashing, and wall jumping. 

Updated 1 day ago
Published 29 days ago
StatusIn development
GenrePlatformer, Fighting
Tags2D, Action-Adventure, Pixel Art

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