Demo Version 2

So, this release is going to be first public release of the demo. Wanted to first have family and close friends check for the most obvious problems. Below are a list of all the issues/suggestions I plan to work on. Everything crossed out are completed.

  • Controller Support.
  • Binding a new key to a control that's already in use by another control applies the old key of the control to the other control.
  • Copy sign that describes movement reset to other route where the Knight can run into needing to use the movement reset.
  • Fix unintended double jump.
  • Quicken the fade in/fade out of the ghostly messages that appear over screen.
  • Add some amount of acceleration to Knight's movement; the Knight was too responsive, making it difficult for precise movements.
  • It was suggested to have the dash's distance change depending on how long the key is held. Not convinced I like this idea, though.
  • Verify the game is accessible on the launcher.
  • Remove cosmetic usage of the signs; all signs seen throughout the game should be readable.
  • Make the font more distinct.
  • Timer should go up 99:59 instead of stopping at 10:00.
  • A lot of work needs to happen for maybe creating a separate tutorial, one that's dedicated to teaching each mechanic in way where the Knight must execute each mechanic in order to progress through the tutorial. Observed several friends struggle since it seems common for most people to either ignore or very briefly read the signs. 
  • The "approach" ghostly message for Ancient Tusks should only appear once.
  • Add option to disable ghostly messages (speed-run friendly option).
  • Add invisible wall to prevent Knight from leaving boss room while it's activated.
  • Remove the Monogame icon from the upper-left corner of the window and replace it with the Slayer Knight icon.
  • Increase the length of time some of the ghostly messages stay up.
  • Linux release
  • Maybe maxOS release? Don't have a macOS computer, so I can't test myself.
  • Still need to resolve the issue where the game crashes if audio devices are disabled on the computer.

Files 129 MB
Version 2 Nov 21, 2023

Get Slayer Knight Legacy

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